Image Builder: Position

positioning images or objects is important step in building your image, position consist 2 values, X and Y that determine the object location in the canvas.


X and Y origin starts in top-left corner of the canvas which means, [X=0 Y=0] will be the top-left, [X=Width Y=0] is the top-right and so on

Example 1

In one of image builder functions $imageFill, it requires position of the filled rectangle, let's try to provide [X=0;Y=0], Width=100, Height=100.

Centering the box

to center the filled box, we can place it at position X equal to half the canvas width, and Y equal to half the canvas height. like so

Question: But Wait..that doesn't appear to be properly centered?Answer: You are correct, because as we told that X, And Y is the position of Top-Left corner by default, so to fix it, we have to move the position half the rectangle width and height

Here is the fixed version


Position Base

by default X and Y represent the top-left corner of the object, so what if we want to change it? like in our previous example, we had to do extra calculation to place the box in the center of the canvas.


we will use $imagePositionBase to help us change that. it's usage is:


where Base can be top, topleft, topright,center, centerleft, centerright, bottom, bottomleft, bottomright

Example 2: Rewriting Example 1

Let's this time make X, Y position is actually the center of the box by specifing Base to center

Did you notice width/2 and height/2?

you may ask is there acceptable names like width and height in position?
Yeah, we call it Placeholders that helps you simplify the text.

Position's Placeholders

widththe width of the canvas
heightthe height of the canvas
centerxthe center of the canvas in term of X alias for width/2
centerythe center of the canvas in term of Y alias for height/2
centerif used in X position, will be alias for centerx, if used in Y position will be alias for centery
walias for width
halias for height

Example 3: Even Simpler

We can now use center instead of width/2