
Creates a discord button.


$button[label;style;link/id;emoji (optional);disabled (yes/no, optional);new line (yes/no, optional)]

Basic button

The simplest button possible, has a label and ID.

$button[Click me!;;verySimpleButton]

What's an ID?

ID is used to identify the button clicked. This way, you can decide what happens after clicking a specific button. Keep in mind, that there musn't be two buttons with the same ID in one message.


There are four button colors available: blurple, grey, green, and red.


You can also create buttons that open a link when clicked. To make one, you have to set the style to url, and put the link as ID.

$button[Check out our website!;url;https://ccommandbot.com]


Both interaction and url buttons can have emojis.

Please verify!
$button[Server rules;url;https://discord.com/channels/772051119538176021/772051119923789847/818136570896449577;📜]
$button[Open ticket;grey;openTicket;<:thinking:833253889833697300>]
$button[Leave server;grey;leaveServer;$customEmoji[no]]


You can disable any button by adding yes after the emoji.

We are not looking for new staff members at the moment.
$button[View requirements;blurple;viewRequirements;;no]

New lines

By default, buttons are placed in one line. You can change that by adding yes after the disabled parameter.

$button[Button in the first line;grey;button1;;;no]
$button[Button in a new line;grey;button2;;;yes]

Curl format

In some cases you may want to include a button in a message sent by a function. An example of a function like this would be a $sendmessage function.

Curl usage:

Mind that the order of emoji and id is reversed in this case, and the separator is : instead of ;.

{button:label:style:emoji:id:newLine (yes/no, optional):disabled (yes/no, optional)}


$sendmessage[How's your day going?

Button handling

Now, as you know how to create buttons, you may want to know how to handle them. Check these pages:

Function difficulty: Medium
Tags: button component