Channel add/remove


Use this syntax to let the bot trigger when a channel is added or removed or both

(empty) -> trigger when channel is removed or added

add -> trigger when a channel is created

add=category id -> trigger when a channel is being created in category with id category id

add, channel type -> trigger when new channel/thread of certain type created, such as post, text, voice, category,..

remove -> trigger when a channel is removed remove, channel type -> trigger when certain type of channel is being removed like post, text, voice, category

remove=category id -> trigger when a channel is being deleted in category with id category id

Supported Channel Types

You can see the whole list here.

The following list is functions that you might need:

$eventChannelID: will return the channel id that got created/removed

$eventChannelParent: will return the channel's category id


Let's make a command with add as value to only trigger when someone create channel

and post it in log channel

Example Image

the output when i create a channel named newly-born

Output Image