Modal (Form) Interaction

Basic Information

This trigger type will trigger when a user submits a modal.


the value is the modal id, for example:

modal_1 -> will trigger only when a user submits a modal with id modal_1

modal_1|modal_2 -> will trigger only when a user submits a modal with id modal_1 or modal_2


let's first send a button (with id apply-form) using $button

let's make a command to send a modal (with id mymodal) when user click the button using $modal

And that's what will happen when user click on the button

now let's make a new command to respond to the modal submit

Trigger type to be Modal, Trigger value to be the modal id, in this case mymodal

To get what user input in the modal, we will use $modalAnswer

now save and test by submitting the modal

that's it! 🎉

$modalID: Return the modal's id that triggered the command

$modalAnswer: Return a data user input in submitting the modal


You need to send a modal with $modal within 1 second of button/menu/slash execution

Tags: modal trigger