Menu Interaction

Basic Information

This trigger type, will trigger when a user select an option in a menu.


the value is the menu id, for example:

test -> will trigger only when a user select an option in a menu with id test

menu_1|menu_2 -> will trigger only when a user select an option in a menu with id menu_1 or menu_2


let's first send a menu (with id mymenu) with some options using $selectMenu

let's make a new command to respond when user select an option in this menu

Trigger type to be Menu, Trigger value to be the menu id, in this case mymenu

Now to know which option the user selected, we will use a function $eventSelected

now save and let's test by selecting rake

that's it! 🎉

$eventSelected: Return the option's value that user selected

$menuId: Return the menu id that triggered the command