Timed or Interval

Interval: Basic Information

This trigger type will execute a command once per x time.

Example of an interval trigger:

Timed Event: Syntax

Use this syntax to let the bot know how long it should wait until execution!

You can specify any time in the following format:

1s -> execute after 1 second
1m -> execute after 1 minute
1h -> execute after 1 hour
1d -> execute after 1 day
1y -> execute after 1 year

Interval: Syntax

Use this syntax to let the bot know how long it should wait until the next command execution!

You can specify any time in the following format:

1s -> execute after 1 second
1m -> execute after 1 minute
1h -> execute after 1 hour
1d -> execute after 1 day
1y -> execute after 1 year


Set a channel used, otherwise errors will not be sent anywhere! This makes bug fixing really difficult!

More Info

Do you want to know more about the bot's syntax? You can check out this page to learn more!