Image Builder: Size

Sizing is important to ensure how big the object/image in the canvas.


Size in our functions consist of two important parts: Width and Height.
They starts from 0 and can't be negative.\

Example 1

In one of image builder functions $imageFill, it requires size of the filled rectangle, let's try to provide [Width=100 Height=100].

Making it bigger

By increase width and height, you can easily scale that box let's try Width=200 Height=100

Example 2

Let's make 2 boxes (White & RED) to draw Poland Flag!

Did you notice w/2 and h/2?

These are placeholders available for Size, next section will table them out

Size's Placeholders

widththe width of the canvas
heightthe height of the canvas
centerxthe center of the canvas in term of X alias for width/2
centerythe center of the canvas in term of Y alias for height/2
centerif used in X position, will be alias for centerx, if used in Y position will be alias for centery
walias for width
halias for height

Example 3: Even Simpler

We can now use center instead of width/2