Message Curl Format

Some functions accept message content argument like $sendMessage, $editMessage... but sometimes you want to send embed instead of plain text

You can provide those details using message curl format

Usage: {info:value}


Sending a embed with title Hello and description World

!!exec $sendMessage[{title:Hello}{description:World}]
Custom Command Bot 08/02/2024


Curl FormatDescriptionExample (click to see output)
{title:text}adding a title{title:My name is $username}open in new window
{url:link}adding a url for the title{url:}open in new window
{footer:text:url}adding a footer{footer:You see my small profile?:$authorAvatar}open in new window
{description:text}adding a description{description:Do you know that this month is $month?}open in new window
{desc:text}alias to {description}{desc:Hello World, do you see this description?}
{color:hex}adding a color of embed{color:RED} or {color:#ff0000}open in new window
{author:text:image url:link url}adding author{author:$username:$authorAvatar:$authorAvatar}open in new window
{thumbnail:url}adding thumbnail{thumbnail:$authorAvatar}open in new window
{field:name:value:inline}adding a field{field:My name:$username}open in new window
{timestamp:ms}attaching a timestamp{timestamp} or {timestamp:1680871946176}open in new window
{image:url}displaying image{image:$authorAvatar}open in new window
{reactions:emoji,emoji2,...}add reactions after posting the message{reactions: 👍, 👎}open in new window
{reaction:emoji,emoji2,...}alias for {reactions}{reaction: 👍, 👎}
{suppress:yes/no}suppress the embed of the message{suppress:yes}open in new window
{delete:time(s/m/h...)}delete the message after certain time after posting it{delete:5s}
{button:Name:style:emoji:button id:new line(yes/no):disabled(yes/no)}add a button to the message{button:Green button:green::id1}open in new window
{edit:Time in ms:New Content}edit the message after certain time{edit:5s:My edited content}open in new window
{file:Name:Content}adding attachment file from textNo example
{attachment:Name:URL}adding attachment file from urlNo example
{deletecommand}to delete the original command message immediatelyNo example
{deletecommand:time}to delete the original command message after time like 5s{deletecommand:5s}
{reply:message id}to reply to a messageNo example
{reply_mention:yes/no}to ping user on reply or notNo example
{interaction}to send message through an interactionNo example
{ephemeral:yes/no}to send message privately or not, useful only if {interaction} enabledNo example
{private:yes/no}alias as ephemeralNo example
{stickers:Sticker 1 ID:Sticker 2 ID:Sticker 3 ID}to send stickersNo example
{pin}to pin the sent messageNo example
{silent}send message in silent mode, will not send push notification to discord users{silent}open in new window


Sometimes value contains characters like : (colon), [ , ; , ]
you have to escape it to avoid unexpected results by putting \ before it
for example \:
If your original format is: {author:I love;World} Correct is: {author:I love\;World}

Tags: Message Curl Format