
Formats the providen Date in Milliseconds / Stringed Date / ISO String to default/given format. syntax of formats can be found (here)[https://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/]

Usage: $formatDate[date in ms / string / iso string / javascript convertable date;format]


!!exec $formatDate[$dateStamp] $formatDate[$dateStamp;LLLL] $formatDate[$dateStamp;dddd at hour HH]
Custom Command Bot 07/17/2024
Friday, March 14 2020 March 14 2020 1:00 PM Sunday at hour 10

Time Options

  • datestamp - Example: 1615578797890890
  • ms - Example: 315569267878790ms
  • string date - Example: 1/17/2021, 9:09:19 PM
  • String in ISO - Example: 2000-3-12T14:48:00.000Z

Format Options

  • Blank (default) - Example: Sunday, 14 March 2021
  • LT - Time - Example: 6:01 AM
  • LTS - Time w/ seconds - Example: 1:58:3 AM
  • L - Date - Example: 1/10/2021
  • LLL - Specified Date - Example: March 12 2020 4:02 AM
  • LLLL - - Specified Date w/ Day - Example: Friday, March 12 2021 4:02 AM
  • dddd - Day - Example: Friday
  • HH - Hour - Example: 15

Other Timezone

Date functions uses on default UTC timezone,but you can change it Learn More

Function difficulty: Easy
Tags: formatDate