Creates a scheduled event
{name=Your event name}
{type=Your event type i.e voice}
{start=Start Timestamp}
{end=End Timestamp}
{desc=The event description (optional)}
{channel=the event channel if type is voice/stage}
{location=Your event location if type is external}
{cover=Event Image (optional)}
{return_id=whether to return the created event id or not (yes/no)}
{reason=creation reason for audit log(optional)]
Event Type Values:
Type in {type=..} accepts voice, stage, external
Event Of Voice/Stage Type
in that case make sure to specify the type with {type=voice/stage}
and the channel with {channel=Stage/Voice Channel ID}
External Event
You can make external event by specifying {type=external}
and set the event location through {location=Your event location}
{name=Anime Watch!}
{desc=Today we gonna watch anime together!}]