
a compact function with many functionalities!

Usage $msg[channelid;messageid;property]

Supported Properties

  • author - message author ID

  • authormention - message author mention

  • authortag - message author tag

  • authorname - message author name

  • authoravatar - message author avatar

  • channel - message channel id

  • channelname - message channel name

  • cleancontent - message content without any mentions removes @here , @everyone\

  • content - message content

  • created - message created date

  • guildid - guild id of message

  • id - message id

  • isdeleteable - author of the command can delete the message, returns true/false.

  • isdeleted - message was deleted, returns true/false.

  • iseditable - author of the command can edit the message, returns true/false.

  • ispinnable - author of the command can pin the message, returns true/false.

  • ispinned - message is pinned, returns true/false.

  • rawcontent - message content without ANY mentions.

  • guildname - guild name of the message

  • url - link to the message.

  • reference - return message id , that was replied to

  • thread - thread id of that message if exists (undefined otherwise)

  • pinned - return true if message is pinned

  • allattachments - return all attachments URLs separated by new line

  • allattachmentsname - return all attachments names separated by new line

  • attachment: return attachment URL of message (otherwise undefined), you can specify which attachment by using additional 1 argument

  • attachmentname: return attachment name of message (otherwise undefined), you can specify which attachment by using additional 1 argument

  • embedtitle - return message's embed title (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedcolor - return message's embed color (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embeddesc - return message's embed description (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedauthortext - return message's embed author text (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedauthorurl - return message's embed author URL (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedauthoricon - return message's embed author ICON (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedimage - return message's embed image (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedthumbnail - return message's embed thumbnail (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedurl - return message's embed title URL (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedfields - return message's embed fields like NAME///VALUE///INLINE//////NAME 1///VALUE 1///INLINE 2.. (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embedfieldname - return message's embed field name (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument, you can also specify which field by using additional 2

  • embedfieldvalue - return message's embed field value (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument, you can also specify which field by using additional 2

  • embedfieldinline - return message's embed field inline (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument, you can also specify which field by using additional 2

  • embedtimestamp - return message's embed timestamp (otherwise undefined), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • embed - return message's embed in form like {title:...} (otherwise empty), you can specify which embed by using additional 1 argument

  • sticker - return the sticker in the message, you can specify which sticker by using additional 1 argument

  • stickers - return all the stickers in the message, separated by ,

!!exec $msg[$channelID;79890890890809;content]
Custom Command Bot 07/17/2024
Old Messsage
Function difficulty: Easy
Tags: compact message