Since our bot is very advanced, everyone faces their own problems. Because of this, we made a section, with some common problems. Sorted from most common to less common
The problem is the title, the answer is below it and after the question is the trigger type:
My command does not triggerHave you set the minimum permission for the command execution to None
No: change it, press save & try again
Yes: check if your trigger contains any special characters
The bot failed to assign a role
Follow these steps!
Ensure the bot has sufficient permissions to assign roles. (We recommend granting him Administrator, as it will completely eliminate all permission issues.)
Ensure the bot's role (@Custom Command) is above the role you're trying to assign, as well as all the roles the member has. This can be found in Discord's Role Hierachy.
If those steps fail, feel free to ask a member of our staff on the support server.