Blacklist roles from using this command by using their IDs.
$blackListRoleIDs[roleID;roleID;...;error message]
Usage: ```bash
/* Let's say i have a command !ban and i want members unable to use it */ $blackListRoleIds[9872xx..;You can't use that command!] $ban[$mentioned[1]] Suceful ban
<discord-message :bot="false" role-color="#ffcc9a" author="Member">
!ban @RAKE
<discord-message :bot="true" role-color="#0099ff" author="Custom Command" avatar="https://media.discordapp.net/avatars/725721249652670555/781224f90c3b841ba5b40678e032f74a.webp">
You can't use that command!
::: tip Note
You can send embed using [Message Curl Format](../CodeReferences/ref.message_curl_format.md)
##### Function difficulty: <Badge type="tip" text="Easy" vertical="middle" />
###### Tags: <Badge type="tip" text="blacklist" vertical="middle" /> <Badge type="tip" text="roles" vertical="middle" />