
creates a new automod from type keywords in the server


	{name=Rule name}
	{keyword=keyword to trigger on}
	{allow_keyword=exempt this keyword from triggering}
	{regex=regex expression to trigger on}
		{message=block message appear for user}
		{channel=channel to alert for}
		{duration=timeout duration of user i.e 10m}
	{exempt_role=Exempt role from the rule}
	{exempt_channel=Exempt channel from the rule}
	{disabled=yes/no (default no)}
	{return_id=yes/no (default no)}


The following inputs can be repeated:

  • {keyword} up to 1000
  • {allow_keyword} up to 100
  • {regex} up to 10
  • {exempt_role} up to 20
  • {exempt_channel} up to 50


	{name=Block Fatty Words}
		{message=Hey! stop fatting around.}