a compact function with many functionalities!
Usage Supported Properties
- name - server's Name.
- id - server's ID.
- acronym - server's name acronym.
- afkchannelid - server's afk Channel's ID.
- boostcount - server's boost count.
- boostlevel - server's boot level.
- created - server's date and time of creation.
- description - server's description.
- emojicount - server's emoji count.
- ispartnered - server is partnered, returns a true/false.
- isverified - Whether or not the server is verified, returns a true/false.
- membercount - server's membercount.
- ruleschannel - server's rule channel's id.
- systemchannelid - server's system channel's id.
- timestamp - creation timestamp of server.
- updateschannel - server's moderator news channel's id.
- verificationlvl - server's verification level.